Roadscape Evaluated Lexicon


Roadscape Evaluated uses a specific lexicon within its menus, so it is important to understand the meaning of these words first in order to better comprehend the addon as a whole.

  • Path Mesh: The path mesh is the base mesh of your object onto which you apply the Roadscape addon. This mesh should be composed of edges only, drawing a path with edges, then the system will generate roads from those edge paths.
  • Roads: The roads mesh is the road mesh that Roadscape will output as your main road. This mesh is supposed to be the one onto which you will apply your textures and use as your final road.
  • Guide Roads: The guide roads mesh is the mesh that is supposed to be 100% terrain clipping proof. The final roads mesh isn’t. That’s why we have both of them, because, Roadscape being as much clipping proof as it can be, cannot totally and 100% automatically be everytime.
    Therefore an option is available to generate a Guide roads mesh that is 100% clipping proof, letting you shrinkwrap the Final roads mesh onto it after having Turned the Visual Geometry to Mesh, so that your Final roads are properly never clipping through your terrain.
  • Support: The Support mesh is the mesh generated below the road mesh, this mesh is supposed to be wider than the road mesh and will be merged with the terrain.
    This mesh is responsible for defining the wideness of the road sides, in other words, the bit of terrain that will be flattened to the road’s level all around the road mesh.

More about Roadscape Evaluated menu’s fields here: